Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Mr. Mayo's Class

Mr. Mayo is indeed making full use of the internet. I consider Mr. Mayo’s idea of doing a group project to be exemplary. I am also very happy to learn that students’ work can be complied by them and published digitally. How much better can learning be? I do have my students to complete projects on a monthly basis, but never know of any idea that their work can be published at no cost. Now, that I am knowledgeable of this site I will make full use of it. In addition, my students would be able to review their work as often as possible. The money generated from their work could also be used for financing other projects within their classroom. This type of experience could also be an experience for students to deal with the general public. Finally, I would like to encourage every educator to visit www.lulu.com for additional information as to how you can join and eventually use this site.

Will Richarson's Invitation

After viewing the teachers’ blogs I must say it’s a fantastic way of reflecting to one’s work. Teachers have different techniques and strategies of implementing and executing their learning objectives. I found all the blogs to be interesting since everyone is unique. I would like to comment on Brian Crosby, Cristin Frodella, and Elizabeth Davis blogs. If you would like to view the entire list of teachers’ blogs, click on http://edubloggercon.wikispaces.com/attending+atlanta+2007

Elizabeth Davis
Elizabeth Davis can be classified as an effective teacher. Although she works with kindergartner, she exposes her students to technology. I looked at her video and was marveled at the works of her students. What a beautiful project? I really like their artistic skills and penmanship. The have learned the basic functions of the animals and their behaviors. Their spelling and sentence construction will develop as time goes on. I can see that Elizabeth Davis is using the whole language approach in her class. I consider that to be quite effective for the lower grades. However, students should be encouraged to spell words correctly and to write in complete sentences from grade one or two. The students can now visit their work as often as possible and parents can definitely see their children’s work and help at home. Click on http://www.edtechpower.blogspot.com for viewing of Elizabeth Davis’s blog.

Brian Crosby

Brian Crosby is another impressive and enthusiastic teacher. He uses his blog to keep records of his weekly accomplishments. I like this idea a lot since students and parents can view for themselves the tasks completed on a weekly basis. In addition, it is quite prevalent that this teacher likes to take his class on field trips and also to have resource personnel to share vital data for his students. Nevertheless, I really acknowledge the idea of recording resource persons’ speeches and other involvements in his class. The idea of using pod cast is marvelous. Again, the students and their parents can view the messages shared. It is cleared that students can continue their learning at their own pace and at their own pace. To view Mr. Brian Crosby’s blog, then visit http://learningismessy.com/blog

Cristin Frodella
After analyzing Mr. Cristin Frodella’s blog I can say he is a resource teacher. He talks a lot about the search engine Google. He also discusses about internet television, discussion groups, sponsors resource materials, and learning guides. I agree with the fact that teachers should involve their students at all times with the use of technology. The World Wide Web does provide enormous data and ideas for executing concepts and accomplishing learning objectives. In addition, there are ‘zillions’ of units and lesson plans on Google. I do make use of these resources. If you would like to learn more about the resources available on the World Wide Web, then click on http://www.google.com/educators/index.html

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Expository Text

Strategies for teaching students to use expository texts effectively.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Online Experience

My experiences with the ‘Online secession’ are quite interesting and independent. I was able to complete my assignment by establishing my own schedule. This activity enables me to work on it while traveling to my job and even during my lunch period. In addition, I was able to read my fellow students’ bloggs. This provides close interaction among students even though it’s not on a person to person basis. Next, I was able to view the videos as many times as possible. I was able to better understand the messages since I was learning at my own pace.
Nevertheless, I was given the freedom to communicate without the social barriers of gender, race, and ethnicity. In addition, this project increases the opportunity for written expressions. Moreover, I was able to communicate to an authentic audience for real purposes, opportunities for reading, writing, and thinking.
Finally, I believe that this secession was quite interested and encouraging. I am now inspired to look for other online courses. I am now equipped more than ever to work with online projects.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My reflections from the pictures

These pictures are quite impressive and revealing. It shows that the spread of technology is rapidly taking roots around the world. Although students in developing nations do not have the access or physical presence of a computer, they are still taught the functions and values of it in one’s life. The Nigerian students were able to function effectively with their laptop computers because they were introduced to its functions ahead of time. In addition, the programs provided were child friendly and it encourages teamwork. It also brings together communities from all walks of life. I really like the project the students created to represent their community.
Consequently, I believe that in due time all classrooms around the world will be benefited from the use of computers and the World Wide Web. However, the world’s communities will become more closely connected. Teachers and students from all over the globe will be able to share learning materials from a day to day basis. I really like the idea of globalization and I will be more than happy to be apart of this closely connected community. If you would like to view the pictures of the Nigerian students then click on http://news.com.com/2300-1041_3-6175025-1.html?tag=ne.gall.pg

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Did you know?

The information shared in the presentation is quite interesting. It shows that technology is rapidly spreading across the globe. The countries around the world are getting connected through the use of technological tools. Therefore, it is quite clear that teachers should equip themselves to use technologies in their everyday teachings, as such their students would also be better prepare for the future.
I must admit that this presentation is quite shocking. I personally did not know that people within the United States and around the world are using myspace.com and Google that often. Since people around the world are having easy access to the internet, life will change into a more technological way. Finally, life will become more complicated, since everyone will be required to know how to use technology in whatever he/she may endeavors.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Response to three links

Bud Hunt
Bud Hunt is a Bolger and a pod caster. He points out that technological tools help to better equip a teacher in the classroom. Students tend to learn best when they have access to tools in their learning environment. According to Bud Hunt, school safety, time, and availability of resource personnel are vital for bogging and pod casting to be successful. Nevertheless, he talks about the proper supervision of children when using technology. I agree with Bud that important current events do trigger students to think openly. It enables students to learn best since students tend to learn best from their peers rather than from a formal classroom setting. I really like this pod cast. It is quite entertaining and the artist definitely channels his message to the general audience. If you would like to listen to Bud Hunt pod cast click on http://www.budtheteacher.com/ In conclusion, I really like the fact that the artist made this presentation while traveling with his family.

Julie Lindsay

Julie Lindsay is a Grade one teacher. She feels that learning takes place best through interactions. Lindsay teaches her students to use Wiki. She teaches her students to create a Wiki account. The students are able to use their Wiki account to communicate with their fellow students. I am really amazed that although Bangladesh is a third world nation, it is using technology to foster effective learning. In addition, Julie Lindsay shares her experiences about blogger.com etc. If you want to view Julie’s video, visit http://k12onlineconference.org the artist also maintains the fact that the availability of technological tools do cause effective learning and teaching to take place.

Ann Davis

Ann Davis outlines the fact that teachers do go through major obstacles in order to use effective tools in the classroom. She points out that internet safety is a major factor when considering using the technological tools in the classroom. Davis believes that creativity and freedom of students’ interactions in the classroom do foster effective learning. I agree with Ann that all teachers, parents and caregivers should work together to help in the development of all students. I think Ann prospect on bogging is the same as mine, where students should be able to have the freedom and access to bogging and other technological tools. To hear Ann Davis’ audio visit http://k12online.wm.edu/Daviskeynotes.mp3 I really love these three links they were quite interesting and motivational.